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Executive Position Descriptions

Alberta NIGP | Published on 1/23/2024
Executive Position Descriptions


The President shall exercise general supervision over the affairs of the Chapter, act as a Chapter Relations Officer and responsible for the following:

Ensuring the implementation of directives and policies established by the Board of Directors and Committee Chairpersons.
Attend and Chairs all monthly Executive meetings.
Attends and Chairs all Chapter General meetings.
Participates in conference calls with NIGP National on an Adhoc Basis
Promotes a monthly to quarterly message to be posted on the website home page.
It is recommended that the President not hold office as President for more than 2 terms (4 years).

Vice President

The Vice President shall perform duties as assigned by the President. This position is responsible for the following:

Assumes the duties of the President in their absence.
Assists the President, Board and Committee members where required.
Attends and Chairs all monthly Executive meetings.
Attends all Chapter General meetings.
Participates in conference calls with NIGP National on an Adhoc Basis.
Typically will move up to be elected into the President position once the current President’s term has been completed.
Recording Secretary
The Recording Secretary shall maintain the records of the Chapter and is responsible for the following:

Develops the agendas for all meetings.
Records all votes and minutes at all meetings of the Governing Board and Committees.
A resource for historical events within the Chapter.
Maintains all historical records.
Participates in conference calls with NIGP National on an ad hoc basis.
Attends monthly executive meetings and if unable to attend, finds someone to record the minutes.
Prepares correspondence for signature for banking, confirmation of attendance at meetings and of membership and any other formal communication, as necessary.


The Treasurer shall be responsible for all funds of the Chapter, maintain the financial records and is responsible for the following:

Processes all invoices and deposits all income within the Chapter.
Shall maintain a complete record of receipts and disbursements.
Develops and provides a detailed and true monthly report describing the current financials of the Chapter and any outstanding payables not yet accounted for.
Provides recommendation on expenditure decisions based on budget forecasts.
Coordinates the filing of taxes for each fiscal year.
Ensures the Chapter is registered appropriately with Governing bodies.
Registers the current bylaws, as required by law.
Participates in conference calls with NIGP National on an ad hoc basis.
Attends monthly executive meetings and if unable to attend, forwards report.


Professional Development Coordinator

The Professional Development Coordinator is responsible for the following:

Schedules seminars for the Canada West Chapter, which includes securing location for seminar and coordinating with NIGP directly on dates and instructor.
Provides hotel information to instructor and communicates directly with the instructor prior to the course to review any site or class details.
Receives course material for seminar from NIGP.
Attends the seminar the first day to deliver materials to instructor and ensure facility is set up.
Attends the seminar the last day to retrieve remaining materials, take class picture for newsletter, distribute and collect feedback forms.
Courier feedback forms to NIGP (waybill will be provided by NIGP), send back to NIGP remaining course materials (less costly method is Canada Post).
Responds to enquiries from members and non members on seminars and designation requirements.
Participates in conference calls with NIGP on an ad hoc basis.
Attends monthly executive meetings and if unable to attend, forwards report.
Provides a “Pro-D” update to be posted on the Chapter Website.
Generates upcoming seminar information to seek participation and enrollment.
Note: NIGP coordinates ALL payments on NIGP National seminars.  If the Chapter runs a non NIGP National seminar, the Chapter is responsible to collect all the seminar fees.


The Membership Chairperson is responsible for the following:

Maintains membership database.
Provides annual “Chapter Member Data Report” to NIGP National.
Provides all membership change of information updates to the Treasurer for invoicing and other communications.
Annually prepares all invoicing for Chapter Membership renewals and tracks the receipt of the payments and membership renewals.
Provides all email address and name change updates to the Communications Chairperson for electronic mailings.
Responsible for overseeing membership growth and retention programs.
Attends monthly executive meetings and if unable to attend, forwards report.

Program, Nomination and Awards 

The Program, Nomination and Awards Chairperson is responsible for the following:

Plans and organizes all 4 General Chapter Meetings.
Researches and obtains speakers for 2 of the 4 General Meetings.
March, Purchasing Month (Speaker and Dinner)
May, Fun Night (Dinner)
September, Member Networking Evening (Hor Dourves)
November/December, Christmas Meeting (includes spouses) (Inspirational/Self Development Speaker and Dinner)
Prepares a meeting notice and electronically communicates the event to all the current members and any potentially interested participants.
Runs all chapter elections at meetings, except in the case where you are a nominee. The past President or other designate may temporarily run the election during that period.
Attends monthly executive meetings and if unable to attend, forwards report.


The Communications Chairperson is responsible for the following:

Searches for feature article ideas and then obtains written submissions for posting on Chapter website.
Provides member a printed copy if not able to access the electronic version.
Develops and maintains a current website to ensure ease of use and clarity to the Chapter Members.
Posts electronic communication and/or teaches Board and Committee members how to post on their site.
Sends all notices out electronically to the membership.
Follows up on blocked or old emails.
Develops and maintains a new Chapter membership brochure for mailing out to organizations and potential new members.
Attends monthly executive meetings and if unable to attend, forwards report.

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