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The Alberta Chapter of NIGP

We are a Chapter of “NIGP – National Institute of Government Purchasing”, which is a national membership based non-profit organization providing support to professionals in the public sector purchasing profession. We align our mission, values and principles and guiding practices as well as training and seminars with those of NIGP, bringing in the seminars and courses the Institute offers, as well as other training programs or advancing our profession (purchasing, warehousing, contracts, negotiation, etc.).

In our Chapter, we strive to assist our members to get certified under either the CPPB (Certified Professional Public Buyer) or the CPPO (Certified Professional Public Officer). These certifications (Issued by the UPPCC organization that oversees test results and certifications) provide recognition of your dedication and professionalism in the Public Procurement role and can assist in career advancement as well.

With either of these certifications, you are required to earn and/or maintain a minimum amount of certification ‘points’ to obtain or renew your certification. Once certified, it is valid for a period of 5 years, at which time you submit an application to renew, detailing where and how you have earned your ‘points’ in the previous 5 years.

The Alberta Chapter holds 3 to 4 general meetings a year, which include a meal and typically a guest speaker and are striving towards speaker presentations that will count as contact hours for certification/recertification.

You are also eligible to earn points by participating in the Chapter Operations by being on the Executive (holding either an Executive Committee Member position such as President, Vice President, Professional Development, Programs and Nominations, etc).

If you get involved in the Executive or one of the Committee Positions of the Chapter, we have approximately 5 to 6 meetings a year which are held either towards the end of the business day or via teleconference during the noon hour.

We strive to setup the training and procurement classes locally so that our members want to take part in them and also provide support where we can to assist other members.


The Alberta Chapter of NIGP's Mission aligns with NIGP National in that we develop, support and promote the public procurement profession through premier educational programs that benefit our members.

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