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$50 per person per year

Membership is open to any public procurement personnel employed by state, county, or city governments, public colleges & universities, schools, political subdivisions, or other public entities who are full-time employees having purchasing, contracting or materials management responsibilities. (Subject to approval)


$0 per person per year

Lifetime Membership is for individuals (as stated above) who have retired from their public procurement positions. (Subject to approval)




It is recommended that public agencies have both a national membership and a chapter membership.

Alberta Chapter of NIGP Membership

The chapter membership gets you:

  • Credits towards your recertification when:
    •  Attending educational sessions at meetings 
    • Writing procurement related articles for Chapter
    • Standing as a member of the Executive or Board
    • Teaching or speaking at an NIGP event or meeting
  • Building a network of procurement experts

  • Networking with local colleagues

  • Procurement courses

  • Volunteer opportunities

  • Keynote speakers

  • General meetings

  • Electronic communication, articles, job postings, events 


    NIGP National Membership

    Provides you access to:

    • Library of Procurement documents, RFP’s and templates, etc. to assist in building your own documents for procuring goods and services
    • Free member webinars
    • Discounts on courses 
    • Access to procurement professionals across the continent that you can network with through various means and share ideas and concepts with
    • Access to industry Global Best Practices as well as white papers, industry news and sharing of ideas and knowledge.
    • Member discounts to attend NIGP Forum/Conference which features seminars and topical discussions related to our industry, including a vendor trade fair as well.

    Both memberships complement each other, but if you were restricted to one, having the Chapter membership may be the best way to start.

    Please contact our Membership Committee Chair, if you need more information on becoming a Chapter Member.

    Information on NIGP National memberships as well as nationally offered training seminars can be found on their website at

Our Goals

One of our goals is to strive to do as much as possible to help members get certified and have access to public purchasing related training as our main goal. We also look at the chapter as a great way to network and help/assist others to grow and become more successful in their public procurement role(s).

We have a dedicated team of professionals on the Executive that can help and provide more information as well and if you are interested, all are welcome to attend any General Meeting as a guest of the Chapter to learn more about us and what we do. If interested, please contact any one of our Executive members from the “Contact Us” section of the web site.

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